(TRADEMARKED) STACK S12 Professional Guillotine DeskTop Paper Cutter

(TRADEMARKED) STACK S12 Professional Guillotine DeskTop Paper Cutter
  • Size 22"x15" 38 lbs with cutting width of 12 inches
  • Easy lock safety lever
  • Side paper catch
  • Grid in inches
  • Heavy duty steel cutting bar

This low priced cutter does the job. It can easily handle an inch high stack of paper, thin or thick stock. It has adequate safety features with an auto locking lever (the handle points up the back (29") when locked so you cannot store the unit under a shelf. I managed to cut my finger on the very sharp blade while cleaning the shipping oil off with a baby wipe. The paper-holder is very secure but requires cranking down. This is not a problem but is time consuming so this unit is not for mass production use. The base is very sturdy and operating the unit is easy. It is made in China and the instruction manual reflects this. Luckily, you wont need an instruction manual. Practice on some scrap paper to learn how tight to set the paper holder and how to place the width block. My only disappointment was the lack of metric measurements on the base plate. The picture and write-up on Amazon indicated English and Metric measures but the unit only has inches. Good for cutting paper down and for trimming the ragged edge after binding. Best for low volume use. Very sturdy.

Buy (TRADEMARKED) STACK S12 Professional Guillotine DeskTop Paper Cutter Now

I bought this same unit from E(bay) 2 years ago and it''s still going strong. I chop maybe 1 book a month @ 1-2 inches thick with 190gsm or 300gsm paper. The blade hasn''t dulled yet (and like the reviewer above I too cut my finger while wiping the shipping oil off of it). The one thing I must say is that you have to really crank down hard when securing a book with thick paper. This will leave indentations in the paper, but if you use a cardboard (bookboard) piece ontop of your book block between it and the bar/clamp thing then there wont be any marks on your paper. I also noticed that after heavy use that the clamp seamed to come down at an angle (higher up on the side where I normally place the paper), this is easily fixed by taking off the metal backing.

First undo the two top black screws, then take the cover off. Next set the clam to the bottom most point and loosen the two bolts that hold it in place, this should make it fall flat. When its straight, tighten everything back up and your ready to go.

Read Best Reviews of (TRADEMARKED) STACK S12 Professional Guillotine DeskTop Paper Cutter Here

excellent cutter for the price-anyone having trouble getting a straight smooth cut, be sure you have a layer of cardboard above and below the stack to be cut that are at least as wide as the stack, and tighten the clamp as much as you can by hand, so that there''s ZERO chance of it moving. when i don''t do both of these things, i end up with an edge that either swoops inward or stairsteps all the way down its width.

also, don''t rely on the swing-guide to help you find square; it''s really only good as a back-up along with the clamp by the blade to help keep the stack in place.

great tool for a home studio. mine gets used a few times a month, for bookbinding.

Want (TRADEMARKED) STACK S12 Professional Guillotine DeskTop Paper Cutter Discount?

when I saw the picture on the internet of the was that the guillotine was a toy but is an excellent tool, precise cuts, even when the material is bent, small cuts are clean, the only thing I see is against the backstop is very short, difficult to square with the principle but when it does take time, if you include a laser sight would be great I would pay extra for laser sight, very Good Choice when buying a small guillotine.

If I needed another would buy it

I don''t know what else to say other than, I just love this guillotine. I operate a small print center, and this guillotine just makes cutting and trimming jobs so much easier. this is a must have.


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