Canon MP25DV Desktop Calculator (8077A006AB) Save 66% off

Canon MP25DV Desktop Calculator
  • 12-digit large fluorescent display
  • 2-color printing on standard 2.25-inch paper rolls
  • Quiet operation
  • Print ON and OFF modes conserve ink
  • Well-spaced keys, large characters for speed and comfort

I love the fact that it is not as loud as a lot of them and it prints clearly. Having the date and time on it is great for your records.

Buy Canon MP25DV Desktop Calculator (8077A006AB) Now

This calculator is essentially the same as one we bought five years ago and loved .. if repair work wasn''t so expensive, we''d still have it, as it was working fine except for the on-off switch. And in our house, the calculator gets moved (and sometimes dropped) a lot.

Read Best Reviews of Canon MP25DV Desktop Calculator (8077A006AB) Here

I have a lot of Canon products, and I''ve been generally very happy with them, so I figured a Canon calculator would be a safe bet. So very very wrong. First, the keys require an excessively heavy pressure to work. My fingertips are sore every time I use this thing. What''s frustrating is that if you hit the + key anywhere off center, it tends to stick in the down position. Then when you key the next number and hit +, the previous number gets added again and the button finally pops up. The calculator is also very loud, compared to others of it''s type and price. The display is bright and easy to read, as long as your number isn''t over 1,000. The comma for the thousands digit is, inexplicably, above the number, not below, although the period for the hundreds is on the bottom. At a normal distance, the last printed number is so low down inside the calculator, I can''t see it without craning my neck.

All in all a truly horrible calculator, with the sticking + key it doesn''t even fulfill the minimum requirement for a calculator: adding up columns of numbers reliably. After writing this review, I''m going to buy a new calculator tomorrow and throw this six month old mistake in the trash.

Want Canon MP25DV Desktop Calculator (8077A006AB) Discount?

I can''t explain why, but I''ve always been fascinated by these machines. Well, fascination may be a bit strong, but I''ve liked them and usually kept one handy when I could. Most of them were handed down to me by my Dad (starting when I was young, with a real old clunker from his work that was fun to play with), who''s also sort of a junkie in this area. I even tried the tapeless model once and hated it.

While I''m not sure I even use the machine enough to justify this exact model, I recently bought a lower level Canon machine and didn''t like it. The machine worked fine, but the printing was so slow, it was painful. Not that I''m THAT impatient, but it was just irritating, given my experience with these machines. The printing on this machine is pretty fast. It may be outclassed by the higher end ones, but this is sufficient for 90% or more of you out there. It prints negative in red, has the item list (gives a line total of what you added for easy averaging), and has the clock and date feature which is cool if you need a dated paper trail. Plus, the tape load is the best I''ve ever seen. Took a few seconds even when I don''t think I put it in there straight.

I bought this machine (or an earlier model) several years ago for an organization I was a director of. I used it there and like it a lot. After leaving the organization, I''ve made due with a smaller solar calculator. Part of the reason, I think, is my desk wasn''t clear enough to put a machine on there. Good old Dad gave me one of his, but the printing got screwed up on it, making it useless. So, after buying the cheaper model discussed above, I took it back and got this one, knowing it would function with all the horsepower I need. It does.

Save 66% off

I like the calculator. The picture was exactly what I had, this is why I ordered it. But it is not what you get. The new one is silver and the buttons on the left are different. The clear/cancel button is in a different location and is taking time to get used to. Other than that, it is a good calculator.


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