Epson CX7450 All-in-one Printer

Epson CX7450 All-in-one PrinterThis printer is awful. It was great at first until it guzzled ink like crazy. So what happens if you run out of one color? It refuses to print even in black and white because it uses a bit of each cartridge.

Ink replacement is pretty expensive, but I could deal with it. However, what really made me want to shoot myself, was when it kept reporting a paper jam even though there was no paper stuck anywhere in the machine.

Apparently, it''s a common thing with these printers. If the lever that detects jams gets damaged for some reason or flips out of place, you''re stuck with a useless machine.

With the older models you can usually pop it open and fix the lever using a manual, but the CX line is much more confusing. Even repair stores aren''t fully sure of how to get around it. Apparently Epson wants you to call in and get a crappy used replacement which will usually cost you money if your warranty is over.

The printer even wasted all my cyan ink while it was supposedly jammed. I have no idea how that''s even possible.

I''m pissed as hell and want to throw the printer at the genius that designed it. I''ve read around and this is a common design flaw. Save your money.

I need a printer quick. I found this at Target picked it up for about $40.00. It never printed straight, paper would jam and would have streaks. My daughter needed something quick for school. Dont bother...I am going back to the HP''s.

Buy Epson CX7450 All-in-one Printer Now

I''ve owned a lot of printers over the years including dot matrix printers (remember how much fun it was to feed the paper onto those and line them up just right?); but this Epson is by far the worst printer/all-in-one.

Won''t print in black and white if any of the color ink cartridges run out; cannot set it to print black and white only. In fact even when printing text documents with black ink only it uses some color ink. And the color ink is used quickly. Every time you replace one of the ink cartridges you have to charge so it takes a bleeds some ink out of the cartridges. And the fun part is that they all need replaced at different times, so they''re constantly charging and bleeding off ink.

My main frustration, however, was that I ordered several ink cartridges directly from Epson that the printer said were "incompatible" with my printer. Ummm, what???? So I had to call in and get replacements. They do not list a Customer Service number on their website . . . only Technical Support and Pre-Sales. They want to troubleshoot everything first even when they ship a bad product, which wastes time and money. They do replace the ink, but you have to wait for it to arrive which means no printer for days on end. I had three, count ''em, three separate instances of bad cartridges, and had to wait for the replacements. They are refusing to replace the printer or give me my money back because I purchased the unit at Target.

Yes, it does scan and make copies of letter sized docs, but I have a Canon at home that does the same but is much nicer and uses much less ink and prints my text docs even when the color ink is out. You get what you pay for I guess.

Read Best Reviews of Epson CX7450 All-in-one Printer Here

If you need a printer this is not the one to get. It''s ok for scanning but it''s the worst printer I''ve ever owned.

1. It doesn''t print well at all. It uses a lot of ink quickly. I was able to print 35 pages before I ran out of one color and it wont let you print anything. I replaced all the inks but it only printed another 35 pages before it ran out again. So all in all I was able to print 70 pages before I realized I need to get another printer.

Want Epson CX7450 All-in-one Printer Discount?

This printer, 9 times out of 10, is a big expensive box sitting on your desk.

No matter what you do, no matter how you install the drivers, no matter how you scream, yell or threaten it, it won''t print.

It''ll make a noise like it''s about to print, but then it won''t.

It''ll print the header of your page and quit.

It guzzles ink, it''s impossible to troubleshoot, and it doesn''t grab paper properly.

You''re better off lighting it on fire to keep warm than to EVER try to use it for what it was intended for.

I have so many times tried to print something only to have spent an hour trying to coax the damn thing to print anything at all.

Please, stay away. Nobody needs this level of aggravation.


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